I International Vocal Competition in memory of Antonina Nezhdanova
Laureates of the First International Vocal Competition in memory of Antonina Nezhdanova
I Prize, Title of the Laureate and Gold medal:
- Zheltyrguzov Azamat (Kazakhstan);
- Ferzba Ekaterina (Russia);
- Tereschuk Yulia (Ukraine, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Professor, Honored Artist of Ukraine Galina Polivanova).
II Prize, Title of the Laureate and Silver medal:
- Evdokymenko Igor (Ukraine);
- Du Fanyong (China, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Assistant Prof. Elvira Letiagina);
- Arutyuniyan Gayane (Ukraine, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Larisa Loboda).
III Prize, Title of the Laureate and Bronze medal:
- Palchykov Aleksey (Ukraine);
- Zheng Jing (China, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Professor Natalia Utesh);
- Pokvytyte Nerita (Lithuania);
- Maimescu Iurie (Moldova).
I Prize – no winner.
II Prize, Title of the Laureate and Silver medal:
- Chernigovsky Vadym (Ukraine, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Professor Vasiliy Navrotskiy and Professor Tatyana Knyshova)
- Zamytskiy Sergey (Ukraine).
III Prize – no winner.
Special Diploma and Award from Odessa regional State Administration Head Eduard Matviychuk:
Nomination "concert chamber vocal art", Diploma «Our Hope»:
- Tymakova Yulia (Ukraine, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Professor Tatyana Knyshova and Olga Didusenko);
- Fu Hi (China).
Special Diploma and Award of City Mayor Eduard Gurvits:
- «To the best accompanist» – Parada Igor (Ukraine, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher);
- Tereschuk Yulia (Ukraine, Odessa, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Professor, Honored Artist of Ukraine Galina Polivanova).
Special Nikolay Ogrenych's Diploma and Award from Valentin Stremyadin's fund:
- Zheltyrguzov Azamat (Kazakhstan);
- Evdokymenko Igor (Ukraine);
Special Diploma and Award from Alexander Presman:
- Ferzba Ekaterina (Russia);
- «For the best performance of modern Composer»:Gregorchak Galyna (Ukraine); Chuvpylo Alexander (Ukraine).
Special Diploma and Award from the honored Chairman of the Armenian Youth Union of Ukraine Artem Karadgan:
«To the best Armenian permormer» – Arutyuniyan Gayane (Ukraine, OSMA named after A.V.Nezhdanova, Teacher: Larisa Loboda).
Special Diploma and Award from the Jury «For the best performance of classic music»:
Ropenga Severyn (Poland)
Special Diploma and Award from the Jury in nomination "Concert chamber vocal art":
«For the best performance of Sergey Rachmaninoff's romance» – Zamytskiy Sergey (Ukraine).
People’s Deputy of Ukraine Sergiy Grynevetskiy presents
I Prise and Gold medal to Azamat Zheltyrguzov
(category “Opera performance art”) -
People’s Deputy of Ukraine Sergiy Grynevetskiy presents
I Prise and Gold medal to Yulia Tereschuk
(category “Opera performance art”) -
People’s Deputy of Ukraine Sergiy Grynevetskiy presents
I Prise and Gold medal to Ekaterina Ferzba
(category “Opera performance art”) -
Seweryn Ropenga
Special Dimloma and Prise of Jury
“For the best performance of classical work” -
Olexandr Chuvpylo
Special Dimloma and Prise from Olexandr Presman
“For the best performance of a contemporary author’s work” -
Galyna Gregorchak
Special Dimloma and Prise from Olexandr Presman
“For the best performance of a contemporary author’s work” -
Ekaterina Ferzba
Laureate of the I Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Du Fanyong
Laureate of the II Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Gayane Arutyuniyan
Laureate of the II Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Igor Evdokymenko
Laureate of the II Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Sergiy Zamytskiy
Laureate of the II Prise in category “Concert chamber vocal art” -
Vadym Chernigovsky
Laureate of the II Prise in category “Concert chamber vocal art” -
Iurie Maimescu
Laureate of the III Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Oleksiy Palchykov
Laureate of the III Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Zheng Jing
Laureate of the III Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Nerita Pokvytyte
Laureate of the III Prise in category “Opera performance art” -
Jury of the Cometition
Laureates of the Competition